
…In case you are too busy to look, the Dow has already dropped 600 points & it’s only been in action for 1.5 hours. …


“Quakers came here escaping persecution & wanted not only to allow Quakers to be able to worship in peace but for anyone to be able to worship in their own faith.”…


…On Jan 20, you didn’t put your hand on the Bible so it’s unclear if you believe in a higher power. …Have you learned to ignore the small still voice inside yourself?  


…Please stop interfering with their operations. It makes you look like  Mao Zedong, & I know you don’t want to appear to be a ruthless dictator….


…Isn’t the plane/helicopter collision awful? Your recent Keeping Americans Safe in Aviation order might help avoid such things…


…SoW, are you friends with CS? I assume so, since he has cast himself as the star of the new Apprentice Show appearing on his ONE network. If you haven’t heard of it, ask Barron….

1/27/2025 (Part 2)

… what are your thoughts regarding Rep María Elvira Salazar, FL(27)’s, request that you allow the refugees enrolled in the humanitarian parole program to stay in the US?…


…did you hear that the Catholic Church has authorized a dedicated chaplain corps to accompany pro-democracy, ethnic resistance troops in Burma? …


… It’s too bad you challenged Mayor Bass when she told folks to be patient so clean-up crews could clear the lead, polyaromatic hydrocarbons & asbestos….


.. I feel compelled to share today’s HX (#6) with you as it is quite germane to your situation. …


… what do you plan to discuss with El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele in your conversation today? …


… SoW, it seems that Mike Johnson grabbed your attention yesterday. …. I’m curious to see what kind of bill you all come up with.


…meant I could see when you whispered to Melania while the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde was sermonizing about how you should have mercy on those who are afraid of you, specifically LGBTQ kids & undocumented workers….