Friend, DJT,
Happy Sunday! Are you going to Lakeside Presbyterian today? Your spiritual reserves are no doubt depleted after having absorbed the suffering of the folks in NC & CA, so some contemplation will be restorative. A game of golf might feel good in the moment, but silence in a sacred space would last you the week.
Speaking of spiritual sustenance, did you hear that the Catholic Church has authorized a dedicated chaplain corps to accompany pro-democracy, ethnic resistance troops in Burma? I encourage you to post a shoutout to that effect on TRUTH Social. The priests & nuns are taking a big risk & their moral courage should be applauded.
SoW, do I have to sign up for an account on TRUTH Social in order to have a direct line of communication with you? That will require several changes on my end, but as the CSM opines, infinite innovation is what we’re best at here in the USA. They note that our “biggest challenge is dispelling a belief in the scarcity of ideas.”
Do you know how long the posts can be on TRUTH Social? I assume I will need a dedicated device for this activity to prevent random cookies & spyware from infecting my devices. I might need a whole separate persona.
I would prefer to post letters to the Whitehouse.gov website. Please appoint your new Director of the Office of Presidential Correspondence so they can clarify how best to communicate with you. I am eager to share my advice & encouragement!
God is change & I have faith that I can adapt.