My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,
When I consulted the I Ching this AM, I found HX 26 which provides suggestions regarding the “taming of the power of the great.” It pertains to your situation right now & suggests you focus your attention to channel the potential of this moment to achieve supreme success. That would require slowing down, reading the fine print & consulting with more people to make sure these orders you are signing will improve our nation.
I fear you are doing too much, all at once & in this flurry of activity sowing some seeds which could grow into pesky problems. For example, in your “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism & Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government” order includes the sentence, “female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.” I have several questions about that sentence:
1) What does it mean to “belong to a sex?”
2) Why define sex as “produce the large productive cell?” I have never heard of that kind of cell.
3) Why include the prepositional phrase “at conception”?
My colleague, Prof. Mary Ziegler, opined, “It’s unclear if (you are) starting down a road towards much bolder steps on abortion or IVF or if (you are) throwing anti-abortion insiders a bone that most readers wouldn’t necessarily understand. I worry that you may not have even noticed.
On other matters, what do you plan to discuss with El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele in your conversation today? Please share HX 26 with him & encourage him to slow down, too. He’s gone way overboard trying to eradicate his country of gangs & in so doing has put 1.7% of his population in prison, many without due process. History suggests that leading with this level of intimidation will eventually fail. Please encourage him to consult with the folks in Costa Rica to see how they’ve managed to keep the peace without menacing the populace.
He has gone too far regarding abortion, too, & has convicted women who have suffered abortions or obstetric emergencies on charges of qualified homicide & sentenced them with up to 50 years in prison. That’s a bad idea in so many ways!
Speaking of incarcerating women, I’m sure you are aware that Aung San Suu Kyi has been imprisoned for the past 4 years with extremely limited contact with the outside world. The Independent just screened a documentary about her life in London in the hopes of shining a light on her plight. Please see what you can do to help her get released. I’m sure you agree that no one should be incarcerated for political purposes.