Isn’t the plane/helicopter collision awful? Your recent Keeping Americans Safe in Aviation order might help avoid such things.
SoW, please help me understand how we are going to shrink what you call, “big bureaucracy where there has been tremendous waste, fraud & abuse,” when you plan to hire more air traffic controllers (median annual income $127,805) & more ICE officers ($90,223)? Isn’t that growing the government rather than shrinking it? By appointing only certain people, you could also be amplifying any corruption that could be in place. Perhaps you should slow down & prioritize.
Taking time to be Counselor in Chief is the last thing you need as you sort through the confusion caused by the attempted “pause.” SoW, you might call my former dean for some suggestions. She tried to “pause” our teacher preparation program & all hell broke loose. People tend to complain loudly when their livelihoods are on the line.
Now that federal $$s are flowing again, I hope that folks in Burma & other conflict-ridden areas are feeling better about the USA. When we help feed, shelter & heal suffering people, they tend to see us as their friends & are inclined to trade with us. We will need this international good will to secure the resources we have come to take for granted such as chocolate, tea & coffee, let alone things like rare earth & industrial diamonds.
I encourage you to reconsider the tech-inspired tactic to “move fast & break things.” It’s not going over well.