…Mark Cuban (MC) & the other Haley Republicans must have so much $$ that you went into hostile territory to woo them into giving you some of their dough…
…With more $, scientists can explore the recent finding that injections of menstrual stem cells into the brain corrected learning & memory deficits in mice & helped to remove amyloid plaques. Gross but fascinating!!!…
…Please reach out to Greta Thunberg & give her some encouragement. She was just dragged away from the steps of the Swedish parliament where she expressed her outrage that they aren’t doing enough to stop climate change….
…“Beware the Ides of March” in Julius Cesar, because that’s the day Julius was assassinated in 44BC. Then on the 4th anniversary of his death, Octavia had 300 senators executed. These murders led to the fall of the Roman empire….
…News of the day from Burma is that they are now the world’s largest poppy growers. I can’t fault farmers for preferring to grow flowers over rice, corn or beans….
…It was nice to see Rep Gwen Moore & Mayor Cavalier Johnson at your MKE event yesterday. I love that you are “repair(ing) neighborhoods in BIPOC communities that were cut off from their surroundings years ago by major highways.”…
…Have you read any of my letters? If you had, you might have at least apologized when you announced that “Poland is spending 4% of its GDP on defense much of it purchasing American weapons systems & aircraft.”…
…Are you sure you want to waste your time going over to say hi to the Teamsters today? … big rig driver, Chicago Ray, called for truckers to boycott NYC for its ruling against 45….
…Have you met Aalayah Eastmond, from Team ENOUGH, one of the youth activist groups who just announced they are endorsing you? Please invite her to the WH & uplift her message that “gun violence is the last domino to fall at the end of a long line of racism, trauma & indifference.”…
…I hope you had fun at the Pullman Yard yesterday. Was it necessary to use crass language to describe 45’s visit with Hungarian prime minister Victor Orbán?…
…I loved the photo of Chichi Ilonzo Momah hugging Jill after introducing her. It’s so cool that her Springfield Pharmacy is seen as a light in the community….
…Back in 1936 FDR described his year by pointing out “we had to struggle with the old enemies of peace – business & financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.”…