

Dear Friend,

            Have you seen that the Euro/$ exchange rate is at 99 cents? That’s right. You can buy 1 Euro for 99 cents. When I was in Spain in 2015 the rate was 1.05, the lowest it had been in a long time. I am surprised that the media is not covering this watershed event. The last time the Euro went below 1$ was 2000-2002. Do you think it’s going to bounce back?

`           How was WI? I saw you were welcomed warmly by Gov Tony Evers & you started your speech by saying you were Jill Biden’s husband & that it’s hard to raise a dad. Can you please stop doing that? It’s old school & suggests that boys will be boys in our sexist culture. Take responsibility for your share of parenting & break free of the gender binary.

            It’s too bad that Sen candidate Mandela Barnes (JMB) left the MKE event before you got there & chose to go to Racine where he spoke to the CNH strikers & their families, telling them about his dad from UAW Local 1866. Union members at your event said that as a native of MKE, he’s got the metro area locked up & needs to get out to the rest of the state. I wonder if he’ll head up to Dunbar.

The WP had a different interpretation of JMB’s absence, noting that he & other candidates have “a muddled relationship” with you being “unwilling to outright reject (you) but not yet ready to fully embrace (you), either.” I’m sure you can understand their ambivalence. 

            Please tell the Fed Reserve Bank to release Burma’s frozen assets to the NUG in the form of crypto currency. It would be a great way to support democracy in a peaceful fashion. Money is not circulating since the junta set the exchange rate at 2,100 kyat per dollar, way below the market rate. An alternative currency would be most welcome.




