

Dec 22, 2022

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            We have 2 foster puppies for a few days, Dolly & Stanley, to brighten these foggy solstice days. 8-weeks old & 3 pounds, they are perfect for children to cuddle with. Last night, Dolly got all kinds of love at the neighborhood party. Thier playful spirits bring some smiles.

            How was your visit with Volodynyr Zelensky? Did he give you some pointers on how to work the media? Did you notice his magnificent publicity moves yesterday? His best was his wardrobe choice – battle fatigues rather than the conventional suit & tie to brilliantly illustrate his mission. His soundbite, “"Your money is not charity. It is an investment in the global security and democracy," was top notch & the flag from the front line was the ultimate visual aide.

            I’m grateful that you can look past his hype & are resisting giving him those U.S. M1 Abrams tanks he wants. Not only are they too difficult to maintain & too complex to operate, they have the potential to escalate the conflict. We do not want that!!!

WINTA, WINTA, WINTA! I encourage you to start chanting that whenever you have a chance.

            What are your thoughts on the UN Security Council’s resolution regarding Myanmar? Do you have some ideas on how we can get the junta to follow the order to “cease horrific violence, immediately release those arbitrarily detained, allow unhindered humanitarian access, (&) protect minority groups?” I found it interesting that the resolution passed with 12 votes in favor, none against, & 3 abstentions from China, India, & Russia. I wonder how the Burmese generals feel about those abstentions.

            Congratulations on the nice press you received from Jennifer Reuben in today’s WP where she wrote, “Biden can claim credit for a stronger and moderately fairer economy.” Keep up the good work!




