

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            How was your golf game yesterday? I encourage you to refrain from tweeting about golf & how it’s your exercise & how you play less than BHO did. Better yet, you could apologize for your criticism of BHO’s golfing activity, & tweet something like, “Now that I’m POTUS I understand why BHO played so often. I’m sorry I gave him a hard time about it.” You would shock the media & perhaps people would stop scrutinizing how much golf you play.

            When you were on Twitter on Sat., were you one of the 3 million people who saw the posts about Glenn Grothman’s coughing fit at the WI GOP State Convention? He either choked on the words, “Let’s talk about Donald Trump” or he has CV. Neither of those are advantageous to your campaign.

I’m afraid that Katrina Pierson’s (KLP) remark, “We have the candidate that has the policies that prove black lives matter, because he believes that all lives matter,” isn’t advantageous either. You need every vote you can get in WI & apparently 40,000 people in Milwaukee voted for BHO but failed to turn out for Hillary Clinton in 2016. “All lives matter” probably won’t sit well with them. You might encourage KLP to avoid that phrase.

I encourage you to adopt Joe Biden’s strategy. Lay low until CV subsides. Unless, of course, you don’t really want a second term. That’s what my husband thinks. Perhaps you’d rather spend your golden years playing golf. No one would hold that against you.




