

Friend DJT,

            I pine for the good old days when you were hosting Presidents and Prime Ministers in the White House. I got a chance to learn about their countries & their politics. I was able to offer you some advice which I hoped would provide a counter-narrative to some of the counsel you were getting from people like Stephen Miller & John Bolton. When you weren’t meeting with a world leader, you were heading out to make a visit somewhere & I got a chance to read a new newspaper to see what the locals might think about your trip. Most exciting of all was when you went overseas. I loved to study the group photos at the various summits to see who you stood next to & who you chatted with. Now you just stay in the WH, as I stay in VH – not much stimulation.

            Unfortunately, the only info coming from the WH these days is about things you were not aware of. So, my suggestion for today is to PAY ATTENTION! I have to give that advice all the time in classrooms. I’m afraid that you have learned to tune things out so when your Intel people warn that the Russians are putting bounties on US soldiers, you claim you didn’t know about it. When a guy in a video says, “White Power, White Power,” you fail to notice and retweet it.

 Perhaps you need a new diet so you can be more alert. That’s what I think I need. As a pre-diabetic, I am not processing carbs very well so I need to stay away from them during the day. Maybe you should try that also. Keep skipping breakfast, have salad & nuts for lunch, & whatever you want for dinner. This will keep you sharp all day long so you don’t miss important stuff.

Also, don’t forget to wear a mask.



PS – Who is the LONE WARRIOR that you tweeted about this morning?



