Dear DJT,
I have a fat lip and a bruised ego. Has that ever happened to you? I can imagine you might have gotten into a fight with another guy over something you said in jest. My experience was not that exciting. I tripped and fell as I was leaving my book club meeting last night. Moments like that remind me of my fragility and I am fortunate that they don’t happen too often. You always seem so energized it’s hard to imagine you feeling fragile, but you are human so you must have your flashes of doubt from time to time. Maybe someday we can let our guards down and let that vulnerability show.
Maybe you do that with your pal, Richard LeFrak, who I learned about today because he is getting even richer from the Opportunity Zone (OZ) law that you will be boasting about today in Charlotte. I’m sure you’re aware that some think the law is “all sizzle, fizzle and the abuse of good intentions” and that the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund is a much better way to support low-income communities. I appreciate your interest in helping out poor folk and hope you will consider more options in addition to OZs. You don’t want to be accused of cronyism so you might try avoiding schemes that line the pockets of your buddies.
How was your meeting with UMG yesterday? Africa is one giant OZ and it would be wise to partner with Kenya and other countries to support their growth. Africa is such a complicated place. I wish I knew more about it. I was reminded of my limited knowledge in looking at today’s piece in the NYT commemorating 1960, when 17 African countries gained their independence. It’s a continent in the process of redefinition. I hope you do make a trade deal with UMG to support that process.