Dear DJT,
I am not a normal person and life is not a Pepsi ad. These two sentiments often come to my mind as I try to understand my life. What sentiments come to your mind?
I am a TV addict – I think you are, too. In the 70s, I knew the 6:00 – 9:00 TV schedule by heart and did my homework in front of the tube, and it dawned on me one day that the Brady’s never watched TV. I began to speculate about whose lives were normal, the ones depicted in my favorite shows or my own. I also wondered where I might find those groovy folks who were trying to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, because they were having a lot more fun than I was.
Clearly, you are not a normal person either. Maybe no one is, and we all have this sense, at one time or another, that we don’t fit in, that we are paddling upstream, that we are misunderstood. When I feel that way, I pause and listen for the still voice within that reminds me of the beauty of the Earth and the joy of little things and it gives me courage to keep seeking.
Being the Peculiar person that I am, I believe that you can change. So, after this crazy week where you said at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday , “I'm trying to learn. It's not easy. It's not easy. When they impeach you for nothing, then you're supposed to like them?” I will answer, “YES” and implore you to keep trying and someday you will find the freedom in forgiving those who you believe have trespassed against you.