

Dear DJT,

            This is a super quickie because I have to head over to talk to some 5th graders about how many cubes will fit in a box.

            I hope you have a cordial meeting with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta today. He wants to be friendly with everyone – XJ, VVP & you. He’s also keen on rewriting history so that his buddies who got out of hand after the last election don’t have to go to jail. I worry that you are trying to rewrite history, too, by spinning your impeachment as “lifetime acquittal.” Just to be clear, you did get acquitted this time, but it’s not like a permanent get-out-of-jail-free card. If you commit more high crimes and misdemeanors you will have to go through the whole thing all over again and it might not turn out in your favor. As your friend, I think it’s important for you to understand you are not above the law.

            Do you listen to NPR? If not, please check out today’s story about Dicamba. It needs to be banned. The Germans who own Bayer are profiting off of damaging the environment. Please ask Andrew Wheeler to do something about it. At least the EPA should be helping states to enforce the regulations surrounding its use. I know how enthusiastic you are about keeping America pristine so I’m sure you’ll agree that in this case the government needs to take action for the common good.




