Namaste DJT,
So, your big day in India is just about over and it looks like you & NDM had a wonderful time together. Did you feel the vibe of Ghandi when you spun his charkha at Sabarmati ashram? Apparently, his economic plan revolved around turning cotton into khadi providing everyone with the dignity of labor. Don’t you love the idea that everyone should spin every day? The world would be a much calmer place if we all did that.
Speaking of calm, it’s too bad that NDM and his buddy, Yogi Adityanath, are fomenting violence against the Muslims. Have you said something to them about that? I’m sorry that you did not take the opportunity to express your admiration for the brave women who have been camped out on Road #9 in Shaheen Bagh with their kids to protest the Citizenship Amendment Act. As Muslims, they are living Ghandi’s non-violent legacy to assert their right to religious freedom. That’s what true democracy is all about!
I wish you weren’t selling any weapons to your buddy. The world does not need any more of those.
Safe travels & BYBS,