Namaste DJT,
I hear you are excited for your big trip to Ahmedabad where you are expecting 10 million people to welcome you. I read in “The Hindu” about a record crowd of 1 lakh (100,000) people. I think NDM got confused between a million and a lakh so don’t be disappointed. A rally in the biggest cricket stadium in the world full of adoring fans should be thrilling.
You will be seeing the Gujarat state as no one has seen it before. They’ve been tidying up for you, building a wall so you won’t be troubled by the suffering of the 2000 people living in abject poverty, flushing out the Sabarmati river so you won’t have to smell the sewage and clearing trees so no one can climb one and do you harm. You might mention to NDM that you are flattered that they spent $11 million to prepare for you, but they shouldn’t have.
I’m jealous that you will be visiting the Taj Mahal! My friend, MMF, went there and was blown away. I hope you have time to visit Ghandi’s ashram. It’s just outside Ahmedabad. I encourage you to take a look at Ghandi’s autobiography, “My Experiments with Truth” in which he writes about God wanting to rid him of “the canker of untruth.” I think it would be instructive.
Please be sure to tell NDM that Muslims should have as many rights as Hindus, and please refrain from selling him any helicopters. He’s one of those guys who might be tempted to use them against his own people.