

My dear Friend, DJT,

            Are you greeting the future with enthusiasm yet? I will do my best to do that today. I have several meetings on my Monday schedule so I can divert myself from my worries by communing with others about how best to teach math to children. I suggest that you divert yourself from your worries by working with STM on the next stimulus package. With everything shutting down and the hospitals filling up, the economy is going to take another hit. You don’t want that on your record, do you?

            I am so glad to hear you have distanced yourself from Sidney Powell. When I watched the clip of the press conference debacle last week, I was taken aback by her convoluted theory about Hugo Chavez & a rigged algorithm to change DJT votes to JRB votes on Dominion’s voting machines. While I was amazed that someone could deliver the theory with such confidence, I questioned her fashion sense. I shouldn’t do that, but, even I, someone who spends little time reading Vogue, recognize that lawyers dress with some sophistication & her animal print top just didn’t cut it. If she shows such poor judgment in her closet, one wonders about her logic in the courtroom.  It seems that she has some elaborate theories to get Michael Flynn’s case dismissed, but that’s not working either.

            I’m sure your fans miss you, so it’s time to forge ahead to your new future!




