

My dear Friend, DJT,

            I just got an animal companion to bring some energy to our home. Her name is Karissa. She’s a Norwich Terrier who belongs to my friend who breeds them. She gets picked on by the other dogs at her house which could jeopardize her pregnancy, so she’s joining us for the holiday season.

            Speaking of which, I hope you have fun pardoning Corn or Cob today. Your remarks at the 2018 turkey event proved to be rather prophetic. I’m sure you recall saying, “Unfortunately, Carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount, and we’re still fighting with Carrots.” That quote appears in several news outlets today along with the observation that the turkey pardon is even more “wildly off and out of place” than usual. I appreciate having a sense of normalcy, although I would love to see you & Melania wearing masks at the event.

            I’m happy that you are getting out of the WH & into the sunshine. I’m also happy that the GSA has authorized the transition to officially begin. I hope that accepting your defeat may bring you some relief from all of the angst that you have been tweeting about.




