My Dear Friend and President, DJT,
It’s my mom’s birthday. She’s 86 years young, living large with her dog, Annie, knitting hats for her great-granddaughter and beating her friends at bridge. I hope I’m doing that well when I’m her age.
How did your conversation with Kurdistan President, Nechirvan Barzani (NIB) go today? I’m afraid that the governance of the Kurdish people is a mystery to me. He’s president of Iraqi Kurdistan, which is in Iraq whose president is Barham Salih Do you understand how that works?
Next time you meet up with NIB take a few minutes to ask about Khatoon Khider and her Daughters the Sun. She’s a warrior in the battle with ISIS and has a battalion of 200 women ready to “kill” and “rip out hearts.” She once was a popular singer but got mad when ISIS ruined her village. She’s someone to have on your side when the fighting starts up again. I hope NIB had some good ideas on keeping ISIS at bay.
Try to stay busy so you don’t have to listen to the trial. It’ll just agitate you.