My Dear Friend and President, DJT,
This trial is strangely mesmerizing – listening to Zoe Lofgren calmly reading about the details surrounding your phone call diverted me from the drudgery of doing the dishes last night. I’m not sure I could sit for 24 hours of it, but the bits and pieces I am getting while I go about my business have convinced me that those House Managers have a case.
Are you familiar with Notorious B.I.G (NBIG)? Hakeem Jeffries’ (HSJ) referred to him in his remarks yesterday while providing an explanation to your guy, Jay Sekulow, who asked, “why are we here.” After providing 3 compelling reasons, HSJ concluded by saying, “if you don’t know, now you know,” a line from NBIG’s rap song, “Juicy.” If you don’t know about NBIG, Kayne can fill you in. He was fatally shot in 1997 after coming out with “Life after Death” and while working on making peace between the feuding factions of the rap world. HSJ has honored him on the floor of the House several times.
I’m sure you will receive a warm welcome from your GOP buds at the Doral today. I encourage you to stay down in FL for the weekend to recover from your trip to Davos.
PS – In the midst of all the craziness of this week, let’s take a moment to remember those who died in Auschwitz and find some solace with the idea that even the worst atrocities eventually end.