
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,


How was Halloween at the White House yesterday? It looks like you and Melania enjoyed greeting the trick-or-treaters. Where was Barron?

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I have to admit, I'm having trouble mustering up a playful spirit given the shroud of violence hanging over the country right now. Perhaps, I can get in the mood by carving a pumpkin. It pains me to buy one as I usually have a surplus in my garden, but these letters have cut into my gardening pursuits so I'm a without homegrown Jack-o-Lantern this year. There are worse fates.


What are your thoughts about this court case, Julian v USA, that folks are rallying about? I am impressed that 21 young folks, ages 11 - 22, are suing the federal government for knowingly jeopardizing their future by not doing enough to stop climate change. I'm surprised the suit got frozen by the Supreme Court. According to CSM that's unprecedented. What do you think is going to happen next? I think they've got a strong argument. It seems to me that "the Constitution obliges the government to safeguard natural resources for future generations." This one's out of your hands so we'll both have to wait and see.


I encourage you to thank the group of Muslims raising $$ for the families of the Tree of Life shootings. They believe in "compassion through action" and are fighting "bigoted rhetoric" by showing people have much more good than evil.


5000 troops at the border? Really? I encourage you to reconsider.


Enjoy your day,


