

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

I see that you're signing a new law today. Opportunity and Revitalization Zones - It sounds good in theory but I wonder if it's going to have the intended consequences. Investing in poor neighborhoods seems like it should help folks, but I wonder if it's just going to be another way to make the rich, richer. Apparently, Jared's family owns some of the properties that will get a tax break under this legislation. Don't you think that's a bit tacky? It's nice to see that Senator Tim Scott will get some positive press from this deal. I just worry about my friends in Oak Park - Sacramento who are fighting to keep their neighborhood affordable for their families as they see high rises sprouting up around them.

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I read about your meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, yesterday. NYT called it a "rowdy pow wow." WP called it "heated" and WSJ labeled it a "spectacle." I think they are exaggerating. I watched it and noticed that you were all sitting straight in your chairs and kept your voices down.  I was impressed that you invited both of them to speak. The only person who was doing some grand-standing was Sen. Schumer, who talked directly to the cameras accusing you of wanting to shut down the government. While you did interrupt Nancy a few times, I found your tone acceptable. She seems to think you don't have enough votes in the House to approve of the spending that you'd like to have for the wall. She's good at counting votes. Has Paul Ryan counted his?

I was intrigued by a story in the WSJ about soybean farmers looking for new markets for their crop now that China is getting their hog feed from Brazil and Argentina. I think the farmers’ recent set back is temporary, don't you? We will have plenty of mouths to feed as the world's population keeps growing. If they can hold tight for the next few years, they should be fine.

Have a good day,



