My dear Friend and President, DJT,
After a night of rain, we are being blessed by some sunshine and blue sky. Clouds remain on the horizon, but isn't that always the case?
How are things in Palm Beach? According to the NYT, your neighbors there, especially the Trumpettes, are thrilled to have you back in your "gilded comfort zone." Will you be making an appearance at the Velve, Heroes Ball, at your club tonight? It would be nice of you to help raise some money for vets to get help with drug addiction and PTSD.
Are you getting ready for the Super Bowl? I had forgotten all about it until I heard a story on NPR about how everyone hates the Patriots, except maybe you, and the folks in Boston. I do not follow football, but I understand that the Patriots have engaged in more than their fair share of nefarious activities so it's easy to hate them. Moreover, I learned today that Boston sports fan have unsavory racist tendencies. That's too bad!!!
After doing some googling I now see why you and Tom Brady have such an affinity for each other. Like you, he's got children from 3 different moms, and like you, he knows how to play the media. It's nice that you two are friends, but I hope the Rams win tomorrow.
I hope you'll follow Mitch's advice and refrain from declaring a state of emergency to get the wall built. We are NOT experiencing an emergency, and I think, deep down in your heart, you know it.