

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

I am having a contest with myself to see if I can compose a letter in 10 minutes. I just finished leisurely researching what you are up to today and did some background reading on Ja'Ron Smith. That probably took 40 minutes. Now I'm ready to write and hope to be finished by 9:10 so I can head off to Meeting at 9:30. Here goes.

 I hope you have a nice time at Camp David. I'm afraid that it has occurred to me that you aren't going there because you think it's a great place to meet. I think you are going there because that's where Presidents go when the country is having an emergency. Are you going there just for the optics? Is this all part of the drama? Is this all calculated to try to create a sense of imminent danger? I hope not. The Shutdown is creating more of a crisis than a porous border is. I hope I'm all wrong. Perhaps you believe that some fresh air and a walk in the woods will clear your head. That would be a good thing!

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So, I looked up Ja'Ron Smith because I was trying to find out who the people at Saturday's WH meeting were. Seeing an unfamiliar Black face at the front of the line leaving the WH in a photo in the WP gave me pause. It seems that he is your special advisor on domestic policy. According to a WP article from Aug 2018, Kelly Anne has trouble remembering his last name. I hope he had the knowledge and experience to make a contribution in yesterday's meetings. I have a feeling that Shahira Knight had more to say. I'm glad that she was there, too.  

I will hold you in the Light today and pray that NDP was wrong when she said you'd like to abolish Congress if you could. That would be a bad idea!

Alas, I am now over time and will have to sign off.



