
….I have trouble keeping Iran & Iraq straight. We have complicated relations with both countries. They have complicated relations with each other…..


Are you familiar with Botswana’s strategy for getting through their post-independence period as a unified nation? They sent their civil servants here, there & everywhere to support inter-tribal communication & cooperation….


…I didn’t hear much about your trilateral meeting with the guys from Japan & the Philippines. I did hear that PM Kishida reminded our Congress that “freedom is the oxygen of humanity…


…Thanks for recognizing care-givers yesterday. We couldn’t live without our caregiver & try to let her know that every time she comes!…


…I’m curious about why you eschewed the eclipse. NASA was all in. They had events throughout the zone of totality which you could have joined….


…So today, as you visit Madison, you will notice that the Madison Area Technical College (MATC) looks nothing like it did when I lived there 30 years ago….


…Speaking of muscle flexing, what are your thoughts on Dwayne Johnson (DDJ)’s political ambitions? I’m sure you heard about his interview with Fox where he announced he would not be backing any presidential candidate this year….


…Do you think it’s possible that the destruction of the Key Bridge could be the best thing that ever happened to?…According to the WP, he (Gov. Moore) is taking full advantage of his media attention to convince the world that Baltimore’s problem is everyone’s problem….


…Did you hear that Salima Suswell is spreading the news about your comment about Jill at your Ramadan dinner on Tues? According to the NYT, she heard you say the first lady has been urging you to “Stop it, stop it now.”….


…Have you called Jacob Flickinger’s family to express our condolences at his death at the hands of the IDF? His dad says he was “inclined to protect the weak and stand up to aggressors” & “just wanted to make a small difference.”…


…As I try to get things straight in my head, today’s stories about you & Bernie Sanders’ (BS) efforts to bring down drugs prices makes me wonder how we incentivize drug creation at the same time we limit profits for pharmaceutical companies….


…What a relief to know that you did not ban religious symbolism on Easter eggs, rather it was the American Egg Board who has provided guideline language for over 45 years about appropriate egg décor?…


…I was uplifted by a piece about Econ Prof Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize winner who died last week. According to Cass Sunstein, “he experienced real joy working with others to discover the truth, even if he learned that he was wrong (something that often delighted him).”


…What do you think of the Khalistan referendum being held in Sacto today? Do you think an independent state for Sikhs is the way to go?