My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,
Happy Tuesday. What are you up to today besides signing some orders? I hope the orders have been carefully vetted by knowledgeable people who know how our federal government works. Be sure to read them carefully & ask questions.
Are you at all alarmed that Michelle King quit her position as the top official at the Social Security Administration? Are you sure her replacement, Frank Bisignano, has the requisite experience to protect my data? Does he plan to oversee ERM’s apprentices, so they don’t make a coding error & screw up the entire system?
I am leery of programmers trying to “update” big data systems, because every time they do it at the UC, it messes things up. A major screw up to the SS system will make you look bad! Best to leave well enough alone for the time being, unless you know for sure there is some kind of major fraud going on. Otherwise, you are opening a can of worms that is bound to bring you problems.
On other matters, I had a great day at our capitol yesterday, joining with about 1500 others with doubts about your administration. I made posters which included the messages,
“Love thy neighbor,”
“Make Love, Stop Hate, Be Nice,”
“Don’t let them steal your joy,” &
“Our hearts aching, our prayers praying, our flags waving.” (That’s a Betsy Ross quote)
At the demonstration, I had several conversations with strangers, all of whom were grateful for the opportunity to get together & share our concerns. I even gave one lady a hug when she expressed appreciation for my poster’s emphasis on joy. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to connect.
In Burma news, today’s Asia Times has a depressing summary of the status of the conflict concluding with the observation, “If then one word encapsulates the war in 2025, it’s “fluidity,” the unpredictability of a precarious balance of mutual weaknesses & antagonisms that offers no room for confident prediction. Save, that is, for the certainty of the country’s accelerating economic decline & humanitarian disaster.” Please see what you can do to help.