


How was your meeting with Bibi yesterday? You, two, looked amicable in the photos I saw, so I assume you didn’t make him too angry with your suggestions about terminating his assault on Gaza. The 7 families of the US hostages being held by Hamas expressed optimism after their meeting with you, noting that you both expressed your understanding of the urgency of the situation.

How do you like “caretaker president” as a replacement “lame duck?” Scott Mitchell, political analyst for News 6 in Detroit, used it to talk about your legacy, but I think it works to characterize your last 6 months in office. I appreciate the feminine connotation of the term so will be giving it a try.

What do you think of Ned Temko(NT)’s hypothesis that you are “ the last in a long line of U.S. presidents viscerally wedded to America’s post-World War II vision of itself & its place in the world?” He noted that you embodied JFK’s description of folks in your generation who were “born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard & bitter peace, unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed.” NT opines that younger POTUS’ might not do as much in support of VOZ as you did.

Have you talked with KDH about her stance on the military-industrial complex? How does she feel about being an arms dealer? More specifically, has she thought much about Southeast Asia?

The latest there suggests that Mogok, in the gem-producing area of Burma, is now under the control of anti-junta forces. If true, that’s going to hit the junta in the pocketbook & means that we need to start talking to the ethnic armies to ensure they develop democratic processes once they stop fighting.

Will you be watching the Olympics? What’s your favorite sport? I can’t pick just one. I enjoy gymnastics, swimming & track/field, perhaps because the Olympics is the only time I watch them.

Enjoy Camp David,




