


            You are my hero! You set aside your ego & let your best-self prevail. As Frank Bruni so eloquently put it in his NYT piece, “in a media environment as intrusive as today’s,” you endured “emotional agony” & humbled yourself in “an unhumble era.”

Your inner battle took a while & your bout with Covid may have been intensified by the physical toll that the struggle took on your body. But in the end, YOU DID IT!!! Your action has rejuvenated my faith in our political process, so I am deeply grateful.

            As we embrace this change, we will look to the future with curiosity to see if being selfless & doing the right thing matters to the American public. I like to think it does, but I’ve been wrong about the American public before.

Thanks for endorsing KDH. I am excited about her potential candidacy & “am with her” as are many of my FB friends are. I am optimistic that she will be our first woman POTUS & maybe will select a female to run with her. Wouldn’t that be something?

            I encourage you to continue to BYBS as you close out your presidency. You can devote your full attention to governing & as you do so, please continue to attend to the situation in Burma. The lack of law & order there continues as is illustrated in today’s WP piece about a Chinese actor enslaved in a compound running online scams in Kokang.

            When I told a friend about these compounds, she confused it with the forced labor of the Uyghurs in China & found it hard to imagine bondage continues in our world. She, like many Americans, think slavery ended in 1865 with the passing of the 13th Amendment, but every LAS bathroom stall I sat in had info for victims of human trafficking, so we still have slaves in our country today. Please do what you can to bring attention to people who are being exploited & held captive against their will & help my fellow citizens realize that no one is free until we are all free.

            Please continue to BYBS,



