

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How ARE you? That’s a question that my buddy & I pose when we want to have a heart-to-heart. I ask because the WP suggests you might be resentful when they noted, “this week has showcased a president who has a keen eye for history fretting over his place in it.”

            I learned today that resentment is a tertiary emotion coming after rage (secondary) & anger (primary). According to Antonieta Contreras(AC) writing in Psychology Today, “persistent resentment reduces the production of oxytocin & raises cortisol levels because the fight becomes an internal obsession, leading to fatigue, anxiety, & irritability…& can ultimately become self-defeating, creating a cycle of bitterness and isolation.” Veterans are particularly prone to resentment. AC says to deal with it we need to acknowledge it & then find a constructive way to express it.

            Clearly, the guy who killed the health insurance CEO was harboring resentments. Unfortunately, many of our fellow citizens have them, too, as evidenced by their approval of his actions.

            I encourage you to develop your plan for post-POTUS resentment release. Perhaps you can get some ideas from talking with GWB who paints to keep himself busy.

            SoW, did you know that his portraits of vets was shown at Epcot this spring? I liked the one of SGT Daniel Casara, whose legs were damaged in Iraq. He channeled his resentments into a run for Congress. He might be able to help you with healing.

            As we consider healing from resentments, let’s keep the junta soldiers in mind. The latest news is they were given meth to stay sharp & blunt their sensitivity to violence. The troops surrendering in the siege of Myo Thu Gyi may have more stories to tell along these lines. They look awful! Without shoes or uniforms, they look underfed & exhausted. WINTA!




