

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I have to make some remarks tomorrow evening at an event to commemorate my Dean’s tenure. It’s tricky because she’s not very popular. She has stuck with us through some tumultuous times, & I think she deserves some credit for that.

Do you think it’s ok to call her a “badass?” I plan to evoke my grandma, who would love to be called a badass. She took care of her family while also taking care of business as the first woman supervisor in Walworth County, WI. Any advice you can provide would be most appreciated.

            Speaking of remarks, what are you going to say at today’s WH event marking 1 year since the Uvalde school shooting? According to NPR, the surviving families want answers, accountability & reforms. Many are still wondering if their children could have been saved if help had arrived sooner. Please let them know that they are not forgotten.

            How much debt is too much debt? Who is going to salvage Social Security & Medicare when expenses balloon in the near future? Do we have the resources to take care of my generation as we age? I encourage you to acknowledge we need some adjustments in addition to taxing the uber-wealthy. I’m ok if you have to compromise with KMM.

            What do you think of the fence that China has installed on its southern border? AJ claims that it has caused “a sharp rise in the number of Vietnamese women being trafficked into Myanmar… (where they are) forced into prostitution, treated violently & made to take crystal meth.”  Chinese gangs have run amok. I’m not sure what can be done about this, but getting more information is a 1st start on addressing the situation. Please look into it.




