

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Congratulations on passing your physical yesterday. BP of 126/78 sounds good to me. Significant spinal arthritis, not so much. Are you in pain all the time? $$ can’t buy good health, so consider yourself fortunate.

            I wish the people of Burma were so fortunate. Olive Slow (OS) has a new book coming out, explaining the history of the country since the British left. They sowed the seeds of today’s crisis by seeding dissension among the ethnic groups & dismantling cultural & educational institutions. OS notes that “the military in Myanmar today is a uniquely immoral institution” & observes that the only good thing to come of the coup is the public’s regret that they fell for the government propaganda in 2017 “when much of the population pushed the military’s narrative that it had committed no wrongdoing against the Rohingya.”  He suggests, “it’s important to try and engage with the few governments who are allies of the military – your Chinas, Indias, Thailands, and Japans” & make the case that the NUG can rule. Please consider this suggestion.

            I was troubled to read about “The Crisis in American Girlhood” in the WP this AM which provides data showing how many young women are suffering in silence these days. Please develop a task force to address this situation.




