

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Today is graduation, one of my favorite days of the academic year. I will “present” one of my students, which means I will make some remarks to a gathering of 100+/- families & friends & then walk across the stage, put a stoll around his shoulders & bump a bunch of elbows. Hopefully, I can withstand the 93-degree heat in my robe.

            I was surprised to see Matthew McConaughey at the WH lectern yesterday. I was not aware that he had considered running for gov of TX, nor did I know he was a native of Uvalde. Apparently, he calls himself, “a folksy, philosopher poet statesman.” Hopefully, the GOP was listening when he said, “Responsible gun owners are fed up with the Second Amendment being abused and hijacked by some deranged individuals,” & progressive Dems heard him say, “we may want the whole loaf, but, okay, we’ll take a slice of bread.” Fingers crossed some bipartisan legislation comes out of this horrific loss of life.

            It’s too bad that the Summit of the Americas isn’t getting much press. Perhaps you need to devote more attention to our neighbors. According to the CSM, the “important requirements of a leader (include) the abilities to inspire trust with sustained attention & articulate a principled vision and joint purpose.” You are failing in this regard given the fact that 7 countries in our hemi-sphere operate without an ambassador and Chile hasn’t had one in 6 years. Please attend to that issue.

            As you do so, don’t forget to attend to the situation in Myanmar. Their transportation sector is now close to collapse. What next?




