

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

             ‘Fexting’ like Bidens can make relationships worse, say experts? That’s the latest from the G, because “messages could be misconstrued without the sensory cues provided by facial expression, body language and intonation.” Moreover, “it’s something you can return to, fester over, or be upset by again.” Your thoughts?

            They also point out “text disputes could provide a way to de-escalate conflicts, as people may take more care in expressing their thoughts while composing messages than during a face-to-face row.” This resonated with my quote of the day, from the “Book of Joy.”

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”

We can learn to find this space through contemplation & prayer because a meditative state exercises the middle prefrontal cortex which in turn “soothes the reactive emotional structures of the brain.” When we are calm, we can consider a different point of view, make better decisions & act from a place of love & compassion rather than fear.

I share the quote with you since you like reciting things. Maybe, if you recite it, Americans will perk up at the word, “freedom,” & you can persuade more folks to get on the mindfulness bandwagon.

Speaking of reciting things, I liked the song verse you mentioned in your “ENOUGH” speech. I goggled, “Make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand” & found On Eagles’ Wings being sung by the CF Jakarta Choir each in their own Zoom box. Lovely!

Please contemplate the situation in Burma. The Thway Thout Ah Pwe (Bloody Comrades) are running amok, killing members of the National League of Democracy to instill fear in those opposing the military junta. A reminder that WINTA.




