

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            This morning I am inspired by the courage of Volodymyr Zalensky (VOZ) after watching the video he made out on the street in Kyiv to show the world that he is still there, ready to die for his country. I was particularly moved by his statement that “our weapon is truth.” The guy may have been a comedian in his past life, but he is rising to the occasion to show the world what true grit looks like.

            My heart goes out to all of the Ukrainians in the US who are trying to stay in touch with their loved ones in their ancestral land as they sit here on the other side of the planet unable to do more than send messages & pray.

            It’s unfortunate that your nomination of Ketanyi Brown Jackson to the SCOTUS had to be eclipsed by VVP’s aggression.

Thanks for choosing her, by the way. From what I learned from her comments at the nomination, she’s perfect with a family full of police officers & being born on the same day as Constance Baker Motley, the 1st African American woman to be named a federal judge in 1966 who risked her life while working for the NAACP. It goes without saying that she’s brilliant, hard-working & full of grace. Didn’t you love how she started her remarks by thanking God & expressing her appreciation for being born in the USA?

            I know we are both holding for VOZ & his people in the Light. While we do so, let’s not forget the people of Myanmar & other parts of the world where children have to fear military aggression.




