

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I enjoyed listening to ME Gov. Janet Mills’ (JTM) witty remarks at your virtual gathering yesterday. I love the “Your Shot to Get Outdoors” campaign. I’m sure that a voucher for L-L Bean or a fishing license would get the kids I worked with in Thomaston in 1982/83 to get vaccinated. Those kids are 50 now & if I went back to Thomaston, I might be able to find them. We had some grand adventures together under the guise of Outward Bound. Our program was supposed to keep them in school, but ironically our strategy was to take them out of school for “challenges,” the most extreme of which was a winter hiking trip. I ended up spending the night above tree line in a sleeping bag with a shivering girl suffering from hypothermia. Starting up a mountain at 3:00 was not a good idea.

            How did you like JTM’s joke: “When we asked people in Maine to stay six feet apart -- or, as the fishermen say, "one fathom" -- some people asked, "Why so close?" It resonated with me. In my experience folks in ME were somewhat standoffish. As the most dispersed population in the USA, they’ve gotten used to keeping to themselves. I respect that. I also respect that JMT has mobile vaccination units to get to the remote spots of the state. I wonder if that includes boats to get to the islands.

            As you know I am distressed about the situation in Myanmar. Now I am also distressed by the situation in Jerusalem. Both involve protestors who are standing up for their rights. Both involve attempts by those in power to marginalize minority ethnic groups. Both involve young folk refusing to be cowed. I am left wondering what Jesus would do. I am eager to see what you will do & remind you War is Not the Answer.



PS – It’s interesting to see that GOP Govs are ending unemployment supplemental benefits. I wonder how their voters will feel about that.



