

Friend, DJT,    

            Too many mornings these days, I wake up weary & wonder, “what am I going to write to DJT that will uplift us both?” And every morning I itch as I sit in my chair, wondering “why am I doing this?” But something keeps my butt in the seat & I somehow manage to find an avenue to reach out to you, a ray of hope to light the path.

            Today’s beacon is the Reverend William Barber (WJBII), born in my birthplace, Indianapolis & raised in NC. In 2018 he preached that we need an “army of moral defibrillators” to “shock the heart of the nation” & championed the “Third Reconstruction Movement.” I think the movement has started & I look forward to listening to the sermon he gave yesterday at the Washington Cathedral. I will also be checking into the Poor People’s Assembly that he has planned for Saturday. I hope you do, too.

            WJBII has taken up MLK’s efforts to spark a “radical revolution of values… When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.” I am hopeful that we are on our way to conquering that triplet & that the amazing mix of people we see assembling in the streets today are showing that loving one another, rather than loving our possessions, will always prevail. I hope you’ll join the revolution, too.

            So, while I woke up weary today, my efforts to write to you have energized me. I hope you will be energized by the amazing possibilities in front of us.

Carpe Diem!!




