

Friend, DJT,

            I look forward to the day when I don’t have to be so strategic grocery shopping. I don’t like to make a list. I don’t like to figure out what time of day the store will be least crowded. I don’t like to be bothered that the shoppers at Safeway are disregarding the one-way aisle. I don’t like to feel like I am putting my life on the line just to go buy milk. Today my plan is to arrive at TJ’s at about 9:00 before the line forms. I used to like the fact that the store is compact, but now that presents a danger. Aren’t you glad that you don’t have to face this challenge?

            You’ve got plenty of your own challenges to face & I’m afraid that some of them are self-made. I am looking forward to the day that you stop tweeting. I’m sure you’re sorry about your most recent offensive tweet about the 75-year old protestor getting brutalized by the Buffalo police on purpose. That one has gone viral & brought even more attention to the incident. Rather than broadcast regrettable tweets, I encourage you to recite the phrase that Rep. Jim Jordan (JJ) just repeated several times in the House Judiciary Affairs Committee this morning, “healing not hatred.”

            Are you watching the hearing? Philonise Floyd is speaking right now. He’s got some good ideas. As does, Rep. Karen Bass. She’s been working on ending police brutality since before Rodney King’s beating was captured on video. I hope you’ll support her bill HR 7120 which involves reimagining a culture of policing. She’s not trying to abolish police departments or take away all of their funding. She would like to end chokeholds and provide victims of police brutality the opportunity to sue. Her buddy Rep. Kevin McCarthy is on your team & he thinks she can find common ground to pass the bill. Please get behind it!!!

            I gotta go & get suited up for my foray into TJs.

            Remember, healing not hatred,



