

My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

            Daylight savings time caught me by surprise this morning. I got distracted by all this news about CV. I think that may have been true of the media, too. No harm, no foul. I’m up and at ‘em and should be at Meeting on time to do my beading activity with the kids if any of them show up.

We have cancelled our Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business for today because my two co-clerks are not able to attend. We’re not the only religious group that’s having to adjust to CV. According to the LA Times, “Religious communities built on the idea of gathering, celebrating, greeting, grieving and praying in a spirit of togetherness find themselves trying to create distance to fend off the spread of illness.” Today, we’ll touch elbows or feet instead of hands. It’ll be interesting to see how many folks show up today.

            I hope you took some time to commune with the higher power, seeking guidance on how to lead us through this unsettling time. So far, things have been a bit shakey. I hope Mark Meadows can help you do better.




