

My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

            I know that you are a devotee of Pastor Norman Peale (NVP) and his theology around the power of positive thinking. Following NVP’s advice to “depreciate every so-called obstacle” has served you quite well up to this time, but as your friend I have to caution you, your optimism is infectious and in this day of an extremely contagious virus, that’s a problem! If the public all assume that they won’t get sick, and that this is no big deal, all of the measures that Dr. Fauci is trying to put in place to flatten the curve will not work.

Even Presidents catch things. I’m sure you recall that Woodrow Wilson got the Spanish flu in 1918. You can’t be immune to CV. It’s called a novel virus for a reason. So, when you persist in acting like you will never get infected as you did at your press conference yesterday, not only are you setting a bad example, you are risking your health. So please, adopt the elbow bump or the namaste greeting rather than shaking hands with everyone you see.

            I was disappointed when I learned that you changed your mind about being tested. You’ve been in close proximity with 3 people who have tested positive and as my 10-year old friend, Giselle says, “you can catch it if you breathe air corona” and I’m afraid that you have been exposed to plenty of “air corona.” So please start employing social distance.

            While NVP advises that you “find the upside in every problem,” he also advises to “understand to overcome.” So, I encourage you to pay close attention to the scientists so we can all get through this pandemic with as little damage as possible. We need to have confidence that you are providing us with information that we can trust, and so far that hasn’t been happening. This is your time to prove that you are Presidential. Please don’t let us down.




