Dear DJT,
Pardons??? It’s nice of you to show grace to folks. I hope you will show the same grace to us all.
You are going to have a crazy day today and I should write to you about all that is going on. In addition to the pardons I have thoughts about using the West LA VA Center to house unsheltered vets, protecting ephemeral waters, your rally in AZ, your outing at Porcupine Creek Golf Course and your meeting with Larry Ellison, but instead I’m sending you the letter that I wrote to Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) today. Here it is:
“I appreciated Sharlee Mullins Glenn editorial in the NYT today. It spoke to my condition. I have been engaged in a spiritual vigil of my own which involves writing a loving letter to "My Dear Friend and POTUS, DJT," in an effort to stave off my own fear of his presidency. I have been writing him every day since Jan 26,2017 amounting to over 300,000 words.
I try to offer advice, suggestions and encouragement in a kind and compassionate fashion. As a Quaker I believe that there is that of God in everyone and it is my job to look for it and reflect it back. Some of my Friends find the letters help them to see Donald differently and maintain hope that he will someday see the Light and recognize the error of his ways. I wrote to DJT about your organization in Dec 2017 when he visited Utah. I told him to "read the gracious letter that they sent you where they welcomed you to their state. You can find it on their website." You can read my letters at: https://www.letterstodjt.com/.
So, congratulations on getting into the NYT! I expect that many spiritual women in America will be reassured to see their thoughts echoed in print. The pen is mightier than the sword and love trumps hate every time.
Hope to hear from you,