

My Dear Friend & POTUS , DJT,

            Cosmic Convergence? D-Day? Moonshot? Folks around the country are saying that yesterday was a major turning point in the nation’s history. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if the tunnel is still a long one. The Electoral College did its thing – no one did anything weird. The vaccine was successfully delivered all around the country. Two wonderful events, both on the same day. Let’s Rejoice!!!!

It’s pretty amazing that a substance that has to be kept at 94 degrees below zero was delivered to 55 sites without mishap. UC-Davis Hospital just tweeted that our vaccines have just arrived & they are thawing out the first batch to be administered today. Gov Newsom says that CA got 33,000 doses yesterday which is equal to the # of new CV diagnoses. Hopefully, that balance will shift sometime soon.

            Is it true that you & WPB are still friends? It’s too bad that he couldn’t stick out his post as AG for another few weeks. I hope you respect him for upholding the law & ignoring your claims about a stolen election. We, all, know you can’t help yourself. You know deep down inside that the will of the people has been expressed & JRB “won” the election.

Perhaps, one of these days, you will acknowledge that. You don’t want to go down in history as the “Dean of Denial.” So, stop cloistering yourself in the WH, put on your best Presidential mask & get out there to encourage everyone to get vaccinated.




