My Dear Friend and President, DJT,
Am I understanding correctly that you referred to yourself as a “son-of-a-bitch” yesterday? I doubt your mother would be happy about that. I know you are troubled by the impeachment, but it would be better to stop talking about it. You’ve got your crew of telegenic lawyers on your side. Let the theater begin.
Did you see the photo of you and the LSU players in the oval office in USA Today? I’m afraid it confirmed my suspicion that most of the players would be uncomfortable in your presence. To understand why, you might read Howard Bryant’s work where he explains that the Black body has always been what’s been compensated, while the Black brain has been ignored. He suggests, “The fan attitude of “shut up and play” may be directed at the big, wealthy athlete, but you know it is also designed to shut all black people up.” You might also read Michelle Alexander’s piece in today’s NYT where she refers to W.E.B. Du Bois’ observation that people of color in the US are perceived as a “problem.” She makes a strong case our nation is engaged in “the continual re-formation of systems of racial and social control” which involves silencing POCs as soon as they start challenging the status quo.
Next time you host a football team to the WH, make sure you give some of the Black folk in the room a chance to talk.