

My dear friend and president, DJT,

         It's one of those days when there are just too many things to write about and I can't find a way to be friendly and encouraging about much of it.

         I can welcome you to CA and hope that you can look at the poor people suffering in the streets with compassion rather than disgust.

         I wish you were not fighting my state about fuel emissions standards. If we want clean air and less carbon, please respect that.

         I hope that we don't go to war to protect Saudi Arabia. We have sold them plenty of weapons. They can protect themselves if need be.  

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         I wonder what's going to happen to your buddy, Bibi, now that his Likud party failed to win the election. Do you think he can function with a "unity" government. A unity government sounds like a good thing to me. Maybe we should try it.

         How do you like Ivanka's new haircut? Is it a "political bob"? Does she want to be taken seriously now? I am going to get my haircut today. I doubt it will get much attention. That's the beauty of being 58. No one really notices.

         Enjoy your day in So Cal,




