

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            It looks like you had fun at your NM rally yesterday. The Las Cruces Sun News reported that you talked about the usual stuff with a few references to nuclear energy. According to Hugh Hewitt opining in the WP, we need to pay more attention to the nuclear fuel cycle because we don't have adequate supplies of uranium. Maybe that's why you are so keen on buying Greenland.

            Don't you think nuclear energy is just too complicated and dangerous. I'm a fan of conservation, solar and wind energy and wish you were, too. I encourage you to spend a few minutes with Greta Thunberg while she's around. She can help you understand the urgency of addressing the climate change crisis. Like you, she's willing to speak her truth and doesn't care if she offends anyone. She says it's because she's autistic that she doesn't "usually follow social coding" and goes her own way.

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            I hope you enjoy your visit to my great state today. Is your Beverly Hills host, Geoffrey Palmer, responsible for your recent attention to the matter of people without shelter? I understand that his apartment complexes in downtown LA are set up so residents can avoid going out on the street at night because they don't want to encounter people without homes. That troubles me in so many ways. I know that homelessness troubles you, too, but for different reasons. In any case, I hope the idea of using an old FAA facility as a shelter works. I am not convinced that deregulating the housing market will solve the issue. I am intrigued that according to the USICH, Rockford, IL has ended chronic homelessness. I encourage you to spend some time there with Angie Walker and her "built for zero" initiative. I think she's on to something.





