My dear friend and president, DJT,
I need your help. I am afraid of my computer. Maybe you are, too. I've always been worried that I depend on it too much and it will break at an inopportune moment leaving me in a terrible predicament. But that fear has been plaguing me since I started carrying it around and relying on it 15 years ago. But now, after hearing Shoshana Zuboff (SZ) talking about "surveillance capitalism" on KQED's World Affairs last night, I suspect that I am being manipulated to go places, do things and buy stuff through the use of subliminal messages. We all know that every click we make is recorded, so that an algorithm can compute our demographic niche and provide us with info to entice us to buy something that we never knew we wanted. What's scary about SZ's theory is that we are subject to manipulations that we are not aware of, like when players of Pokemon Go were herded to locations like McDonald's and happily played the game while eating a Big Mac. SZ says it's "invisible coercion" and it's going to take away our autonomy. CREEPY!!! Moreover, she says that Facebook, Amazon, Google and even Ford Motors are busy building up the infrastructure before we realize what's happened. Please invite SZ to the WH so she can help you develop a plan to address this!!!
Have you talked to Mitch in the last couple of days? He's got a lot on his plate and could use some encouragement. It's too bad that he fell and fractured his shoulder just when we need him to get busy with gun control. His Senate campaign against Amy McGrath has gotten off to an ugly start. He really shouldn't have posted a photo of a gravestone with her name on it right after the El Paso shootings. I hope you will confer about how you can set us off on a more hopeful, loving course.
PS - Should I pull out of the stock market or do you think it'll rally?