My dear Friend and president, DJT,
Well, I managed to survive our heat spell. I decided to make the best of it and went swimming in our neighborhood pool with my daughter. It's just a short walk away but I haven't been in it for years. Our 3:00 dip left me cool enough to cook dinner and read a dissertation. It's supposed to be much cooler today, thank goodness
This thing with Elijah Cummings (EEC) has gotten away from you and it's UGLY!!! Accusations of racism flying right and left. I encourage you to take a long soak in a cool pool to calm you down. Is Mick Mulvaney correct when he says that your denigrating remarks about Baltimore were hyperbole? If so, please clarify what you really think of the Monumental City.
I think it's great. My friends, Vic and Ed live there in a cool old row house. When I visited them we walked through Little Italy to get to the Inner Harbor where we went to the National Aquarium. Later we went over to Fort McHenry to watch the flag wave. I didn't see a rat and everyone seemed happy and healthy.
Of course, like all cities, Baltimore has its fair share of problems, so I hope you will get busy working with Rep. EEC to improve the infrastructure. Even better, get your sons to invest in Port Covington real estate. It's the 2nd biggest urban development project in the nation & according to Baltimore Business Journal it is a $5.5 billion project that will result in 18 million square feet of new development including a cyber security hub and retail center as well as office space and residential units when it is built out in the coming decade or so. It's replacing an old railroad yard so I don't think anyone will be displaced. Please tweet about that so the folks in Baltimore will know that you are on their side.
Thanks for signing HR 1327 today. I'm sure the folks affected by 9/11 will feel a little better knowing that they can get a little help from Uncle Sam for all of the suffering they have had to endure.
Best, RCA