


Happy World Kindness Day! I think it's time that we join Canada, Japan and Australia and officially observe it in the USA. Let's do a random act of kindness today. I look forward to hearing about what you choose to do.

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I had fun watching, Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King, on Netflix last night. He was raised in Davis. The show was filmed at the Mondavi Center at UCD. He discusses the challenges he faced as a POC in a place where White privilege is taken for granted. You should take a look. It might help you understand the ways in which race continues to be an issue in our country. It's also very funny!!!


I am excited to see that you will be celebrating Diwali at the WH today. Did you invite all 4 Hindu Congress people to join the ceremony? You already know what an interesting person Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is because she's one of the first democrats you met with after being elected. Rep Raja Krishnamoorthi,  D-Western Suburbs of Chicago, visited the WH when the Cubs came to celebrate their World Series win in Jan 2017. When you meet him I hope you are receptive to his ideas about climate change.  I doubt you'll invite Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Seattle, Wash - Seattle. I expect that her views on immigrant rights are too radical for you.You've probably got the most in common with Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Silicon Valley. He's rich and has written an internet bill of rights, which includes rules about consumers being able to petition a tech company for information about themselves. It's a bill you could sign. He can also help you understand Hinduism and why you might follow some of its principles in your work. He says it's "is a philosophy of life that respects religious pluralism, a separation of church and state, and civil liberties." Do you think our founding fathers were influenced by some Hindus?


I hope the ceremony helps you appreciate that understanding will always win over ignorance, kindness is superior to animosity and Light will chase away the darkness.






