
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,


I understand that you had another EXPLOSIVE speech at your MASSIVE rally last night in Erie. At least that's what Space Force News claims on their You Tube channel. They use that title for all of your MAGA rallies so I'm not sure that last night's rally was any different from all the others. Was it?


I encourage you to consider apologizing to Barack for criticizing him in 2012 for going to a rally during Hurricane Sandy. Now that you've been in the same position you can see that the President can't stop a hurricane so he might as well go have fun with his adoring fans. As you noted, it doesn't make sense to disappoint thousands of people expecting to see the President just to sit around and listen to updates about Hurricane Michael.


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I hope you have fun at the WH today with Kayne, Kid Rock and Orrin Hatch. I assume Orrin will be there when you sign his Music Modernization Act, HR1551, this afternoon.  I had no idea that Orrin was a song writer! Did you know that he wrote a song about Ted Kennedy's love for his wife, Victoria? Orrin says he writes love songs to take away the pain of his DC activities.


Apparently, Lamar Alexander played one of Orrin's songs to advertise HR1551. Lamar championed the bill to help all of those Nashville songwriters who are waiting tables. What a great swan song for Orrin as he retires from the Senate after being the longest serving Republican Senator in history?


The bill got unanimous approval in the Senate so I hope you'll applaud that bipartisan effort. I suspect that Rep. Hakeem Jeffries won't be at the signing even though he was one of the bill's champions.  He thinks you're the "hater-in-chief." Maybe Kayne can help him change his mind.


Have a great day,


