

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            I would love to see you stop with those nasty tweets. Calling Paul Ryan, "Weak, ineffective & stupid" after you once tweeted, he is "a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question." Which statements am I supposed to believe? That kind of inconsistency makes you sound like a fair-weather friend, who can't be trusted. You don't want to sound like that, do you?

            Here's my brief Sunday sermon for you. We all have a divine spark which makes us unique and worthy of love and life. We all have our imperfections which get us into trouble from time to time. The world works best when we look for the divine spark and forgive bad choices in others. You will recall that's what these letters to you are all about. 

            So, to promote a more harmonious universe we should refrain from proclaiming negative judgements and instead, do as Jesus suggested, "forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Please note that this part of the Lord's prayer reminds us we make our own trespasses that piss people off, and you, my friend, have more than your fair share of trespasses! I heard all about them at the Lights for Liberty vigil in Central Park, Davis on Friday night. 

            While I was at the vigil, hearing about children being taken from their parents and forced to live in squalor conditions, I tried to understand how you could let that happen knowing how much you love children. The only thing that came to mind was Stephen Miller. When he makes all immigrants sound like the misguided youth in MS-13, he evokes Germany of 1933. Not the kind of association you want!! Please find someone older, wiser and more compassionate to advise you on immigration policy.

            I hope your golf game helps you to see the world in a more positive light.




