
My dear Friend and President, DJT,


I'm sure you are delighted that your friend Cindy Hyde-Smith won yesterday. I'm not, but I won't hold it against her. People can change, and I hope she learned to be more discerning about what she says to avoid embarrassment.


I hope your meeting with Governor Cuomo to discuss the Gateway project goes well. We need another tunnel connecting NYC to the NJ. Infrastructure improvements mean jobs! Go for it even if you don't like NY Sen. Charles E. Schumer.


So, more Christmas activity for you today. The Christmas tree lighting should be fun although the WP warns it will mess up DC traffic. Don't you think people should just head over to the WH for the festivities? It sounds like you'll have some great music, including singing by the young nuns of the Dominican Sisters of Mary. 

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I'm sorry that Melania's red trees didn't go over too well on Twitter. According to the psychologists quoted in the Guardian, the trees "throw people into a sort of holiday season ennui" because "the red trees ‘disrupt’ what we think of as the meaning of Christmas." Oh well.


I'm sorry this letter got rudely interrupted by the foster dog peeing on the wood floor. 


I wish I had more time to discuss your comment during your interview with the WP, "my gut tells me more than anybody else's brain can tell me." But alas, I must be going so that will have to wait for another day.




