

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            Sorry to miss another letter yesterday. I was still in Minneapolis. If you want to see what I was up to and get inspired, go to #cgi2019. We were so caught up in communing around the topic of children's mathematical thinking that we forgot about the political issues of the day. It was a nice respite. 

            I couldn't write yesterday because I had to leave my hotel room at 5:30 AM to get to MSP. It's lucky that I did because the TSA line was ridiculous! You need to do something about that!!! 

            You are lucky you didn't have to stand in a TSA line to get onto Air Force One for your trip to Osaka. How is it going by the way? I'm not sure that snarky tweets about our host and ally was the best way to get the G20 started. I doubt that SA appreciated your accusation that he would just sit and watch a military attack on the USA on his Sony. 

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            Please send my regards to Angela Merkel. I am worried about her. As you probably know, she has been visibly shaking at a couple of events recently. She says she was dehydrated because of the heat. I hope that's true. 

            I suspect that a lot of folks in Europe are dehydrated. Did you know they are having a record heat wave? It's so bad that the Saxony-Anhalt autobahn is melting and some guy in Germany was riding his moped with nothing on but his helmet. Apparently, this event is dangerous because it's early in the summer and super humid. The climate is getting more extreme, don't you think? I hope it lets up by Friday so the USA/France World Cup Game is not affected. 

            I'm sorry that you and Megan Rapinoe are at odds. I would love to see you acknowledge that she has the right to express her views by not putting her hand over her heart during the national anthem. As a White Gay Ally she is hoping to fuel a conversation about racial injustice. It would be great for you to engage in that conversation with her.

            Be your best self at the G-20,




