May 17, 2019
My dear Friend and president, DJT,
Did you enjoy sleeping in your old bed in NYC last night? Did you get that rush of energy the Big Apple brings on? I haven't been there in 10 years, but I have fond memories of hustling around the city trying to look large and in charge so no one would pick my pocket. I lived there back in the day when Times Square was smelly and seedy. I marvel at it today with its big screens and oversize shops. Maybe you could put me up at Trump Tower on my next visit so I can show my daughter around the city that never sleeps.
How did your visit with Ueli go yesterday? Did you agree to waive tariffs on Swiss cheese in return for him taking a message to Iran? You know that he and his Federal Council have to keep farmers happy so any trade deal you may make will have to be favorable to Swiss dairy products. Did you know that cheese is not their biggest ag export? Coffee is, because Nestle buys beans, roasts them and then packages them it into those little single-serve K-cups. They sell it for almost 20 times the price that they paid for it. Brilliant!
Is it true that you are "putting the brakes on a confrontation with Iran"? That's what Mark Lander and his colleagues say in yesterday's NYT. They also say that Mike Pompeo (MRP) does not like being lumped with John Bolton (JRB). Are those two friends? Does JRB have friends. He's so feisty, I think it would be hard to be his friend. Well it's hard to be your friend, and I'm somehow managing. I hope JRB has someone like me in his life. Anyway, keep your foot on those brakes. We both know that WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER and don't let JRB convince you otherwise.